Looking at it that way, memes at least so far are harmless, more of a "look at me and how I relate to the random universe" kind of thing. They don't demand you participate in your own degradation. More of a cold then an Ebola type virus. So I guess I'll sheepishly admit to being more amused than anything else by this meme. Although I'm a bit concerned that the virtual Emily often seems to be a disturbed child, and picking through some of these search pages gave me that same feeling of turning over that folded page and seeing my own name.
"Emily needs" Meme (Put "{your name}
Emily needs to find something that's her own to fulfill her
Emily needs to be whipped into shape by Nanny 911
Emily needs to get control of her business and begin to set some boundaries
Emily Needs Attention.
Emily needs a series of exemptions to Harvard’s administrative rules
"Emily" needs to be read as part of the American gothic tradition (I'm a classic)
Emily needs to know exactly what the girls want
Emily needs extra vitamin C so she poops.
Emily needs a boyfriend so she'll leave me alone.
Emily needs a great deal of persuasion to talk about herself. (Hmm...not this one--hence the blog)
All Emily needs to do then is click Send.
All Emily needs to do now is to be quiet while the machine makes its measurements. (My favorite--so ominous. THE MACHINE...)
Emily needs a little time for herself.
Emily needs a comfortable and inspirational place to brainstorm her money-making ventures (I do, I do...)
Emily needs to calm down (I AM CALM! VERY VERY CALM!! Don't you know calm when you see it?)
Emily needs to really focus on some comprehension skills (yeah, that vet school thing ruins your mind)
Emily needs total support for all of her personal care needs (so get moving, will you?)
Emily needs funds (and if I could just get that place for my brain storming, I'm sure this wouldn't be a problem any more)
Emily needs a special certificate for her efforts.
Emily needs some intensive work to change these deeply ingrained habits
Emily needs to learn how to be a super-hero (whaddaya mean, needs to learn?)
Emily needs to reclaim her life.
Emily needs to make a choice,
Emily needs some excitement and mystery to feel the relationship is beneficial again.
Emily needs an abundance of supplies.
Emily needs to go sit on a bench on Lake Mendota and have an existential and journalistic awakening.
Emily needs help from no one
Emily needs to dig deep down for strength.